Doctors in the UK have installed RefluxStop, a device that is designed to block the movement of lower oesophageal sphincter.
Loaded with phenolic compounds and antioxidants that support digestion and treat several complex gastric issues, including acidity, consuming a hot cup of ginger tea may well be your secret medicine ...
Hiccups rarely go on for so long. There are many maneuvers that people swear by that often work. Holding your breath (or just ...
I am a healthy 64-year-old man. I got a terrible rash from poison ivy and needed to be put on prednisone. After a few days, I started ...
What do you think could be going on? The rash is finally starting to get better. -- B.M.S.
Phil Adcock is the first person in the Europe to undergo pioneering surgery for severe acid reflux, which could have led to ...
Certain foods can help prevent flare-ups by reducing the production of stomach acid and soothing the digestive system, says ...
Caroline Cobine, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Physiology and Cell Biology within the University of ...
If you have acid reflux, your day-to-day habits can make a big difference. These tips can help make things better.
The list of potential causes of intractable hiccups is long and contains some very serious illnesses, so it’s not something ...
Additionally, the sugar in regular sodas can exacerbate symptoms. Apple Cider Vinegar: Despite popular belief, apple cider ...
Several health conditions can cause these bumps to develop, such as viral and bacterial infections, allergies, and acid ...