ZA/UM's next game isn't Disco Elysium 2; it's a brand new espionage game called C4.The Latest Tech News, Delivered to Your ...
Disco Elysium, the critically-acclaimed CRPG, is set to arrive on Android as it opens pre-registration on Google Play.
Award-winning game developer ZA/UM today announced its latest video game, the first entirely new title from the studio since ...
After internal controversies and with several key members of Disco Elysium scattered in other projects, the Estonian studio ...
Disco Elysium developer ZA/UM - or at least what remains of it after a fractious few years of mudslinging, firings, ...
Award-winning narrative RPG Disco Elysium is coming back with a new version built for mobile devices and adapted “to enjoy in short bursts.” ...
In a strange coda to all of this, Moola is allegedly banned from the Disco Elysium subreddit. Speaking to a moderator of ...