Hurricane Helene is heading straight for one of the regions most vulnerable to the impact of hurricanes: Florida's Big Bend.
The storm is expected to make landfall on the state’s gulf coast on Thursday evening as a Category 4 hurricane.
The Howard Frankland Bridge in Tampa closed on Thursday evening after being battered by storm surge and winds.
The storm threatened to disrupt water and power supplies and cellphone service across the state’s Big Bend region.
Hurricane Helene is expected to make landfall on Florida’s northwestern coast and then continue on to torment parts of ...
A rainstorm expected only once every 1,000 years deluged parts of southern Appalachia on Wednesday night, with as much as 8 ...
Florida Task Force 2 is heading north to help after Helene passes 02:25. MIAMI - Miami Fire Rescue's Florida Task Force 2 is ...