Wildfires that devastated neighbourhoods across Los Angeles have provided fresh motivation for critics of the 2028 Games and complicated the effort to host the world's biggest sporting event, but ...
Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after a ceasefire and hostage release deal was announced, residents and authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and mediators sought to quell fighting ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday mounted a robust defense of the Biden administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that its stimulus spending led to robust growth and ...
Families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza gathered on Wednesday in the Tel Aviv square where they have held rallies for more than a year, as news trickled out of the agreement struck with Hamas to ...
Negotiators reached a phased ceasefire deal on Wednesday in the war in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Here is some reaction to the deal. U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN "I can announce a ...
Crews battling multiple wildfires that raged across Los Angeles on Wednesday were up against a near-perfect storm: intense wind, low humidity and, most troubling for residents, inadequate supplies of ...
TikTok buzzed with nervous anticipation across the U.S. on Saturday as a looming federal ban threatened to sever access to the Chinese-owned app that has captivated nearly half of all Americans, power ...
Migrants trying to avoid arrest set fire to blankets and mattresses at a camp in the northern Mexican city of Chihuahua during a raid by government forces to clear the site in the early hours of Satur ...
美國候任總統特朗普(Ronald Trump)當地星期六(18日)表示, 他「很可能」在本月20日就職當日, 簽署行政命令, 讓擁有1.7億美國用戶的短影音平台TikTok, 「不賣就禁」法律暫緩90日執行. 路透社報道, 特朗普接受美國國家廣播公司(NBC)專訪時透露, 最可能的做法是提供90日寬限期, 因為這樣最適當. 特朗普續指, 如果他決定這樣做, 可能會在就職當日(20日)宣布.
聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)當地星期六(18日), 在貝魯特舉行記者會時, 呼籲以色列及黎巴嫩遵守停火協議. 他表示, 以色列從黎巴嫩領土撤軍至關重要, 黎巴嫩的主權與領土完整必須受到尊重. 古特雷斯在記者會上表示, 他在訪問黎巴嫩南部時, 親眼見到衝突對人民造成的嚴重影響與破壞. 幾十萬流離失所的居民, 已經返回黎巴嫩南部、貝卡谷地, 以及其他地方, 但許多人發現家園 ...
即將就職美國總統的特朗普(Donald Trump)「首日行政令」, 將成為下周金融市場的核心變數. 綜合媒體報道, 在與參議院共和黨人舉行的兩小時會議中, 特朗普表示已經準備約100份行政令, 計劃星期一(20日)就職首日簽署. 市場分析家指, 當前, 市場關注焦點正從數據轉向政策, 特朗普的「首日行政令」, 將成為未來一個星期, 金融市場的核心變數. 該等行政令或涉及關稅、邊境等多個敏感領域, ...