The Colorado Republican Party’s ongoing leadership dispute could finally conclude in a three-day trial set for mid-October. In August, long-simmering tensions in the state GOP reached a boil when competing factions organized dueling votes on whether to oust Dave Williams from leadership.
While election day for the 2024 general election is Nov. 5, mail ballots in Colorado are sent out almost a month in advance.
The claim that Aurora, Colo., has been overrun by gun-toting migrants stemmed from the city’s fight with a landlord. Now it is central to one of former President Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant campaign promises.
In just a few weeks, voters all across Colorado will be getting their ballots for November’s General Election. One of the measures that will be on that ballot is Amendment I, which deals with bond matters for violent criminals.
The grants from the nonprofit Early Milestones Colorado are focused on addressing child care deserts and prenatal and birth-to-3 issues
The Colorado constitution defines a union as between a man and a woman. It hasn't been enforceable since the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Should that landmark decision be overturned, there would be no state protection for same-sex couples.
Discover the top Colorado donors funding political campaigns, including abortion rights, ranked-choice voting, and more. Learn about their contributions and impact.
Should the right to school choice be enshrined in the Colorado Constitution? It is a question voters will have a chance to decide, and not everyone is happy about that.
One section of the ballot will keep this from being a rather mundane, even boring year in Colorado politics. In many respects, this is something of an off year around