One by one, a cross was etched with dark ashes across each student’s forehead. “This is why we run a Catholic school, to do ...
Each of us has power, but we don`t often realize how much power we have. Why? We give it away. We sell ourselves short. We ...
The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...
New Blood #1Spider-Man's multiversal lore has officially expanded thanks to a new Spider-Verse story. The new Marvel comic ...
Matthias Walther of the Museum of the Bible shares what excites him the most about telling the story of the Bible each day ...
Gospel singer David Dam has released “This Is Kingdom Come (Elohim Adonai),” a song that proclaims God’s kingdom as a place ...
Audio Research's 'finest-ever power amplifier' is the culmination of 55 years at the apex of valve amp design and boasts a ...
One Piece's Elbaf arc pretty much confirmed the existence of God Fruits, so here's how they hint at an even stronger power!
In this guide, learn about the God's Knights in One Piece and meet all the members that have been revealed in the story so ...
President Donald Trump said he strongly believes there is one big reason God protected him when a lone gunman opened fire at ...
From an idea by Jon Erwin, “House of David” is the biblical story of King David. Actually, the first season focus on David’s ...
I continue to try to make sense of living as a Christian in a time when a distressing number of my coreligionists have thrown ...