In this delightful animated adventure, charming bandit Flynn Rider is taken hostage by Rapunzel, a long-haired beauty who longs to escape the tower where she has been held captive for most of her ...
"Mean Girls" star Avantika Vandanapu has received backlash on social media for her rumored casting in a live-action ...
Set between the Disney movie Tangled and short film Tangled Ever After, this children's animation follows Rapunzel as she acquaints herself with her parents and her ...
Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. Moore and Levi reprised their characters in the series, which ran between 2017 and 2020.
Disney is creating a live-action Tangled movie, with Florence Pugh as the frontrunner for the role of Rapunzel. Pugh is a ...
Together, they will discover new people and places and embark on an incredible new adventure far beyond Corona's walls. Rapunzel returns to the kingdom of Corona only to find that it has been ...