Bill McCartney, the former University of Colorado football coach who became a prominent religious figure in the 1990s after ...
A religious conversion in his 30s helped inspire McCartney to found Promise Keepers, which drew millions of men to events in ...
That November, after 10 consecutive winning seasons, Mr. McCartney quit football to devote himself to the organization. The Promise Keepers did not pay him a salary; he described the group as his ...
a new generation of leaders has revived Promise Keepers while adopting a more strident political posture. About 2,000 men attended a conference for the organization in August, according to the New ...
The date was October 4, 1997, and the MSNBC producers on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., had a problem. Actually, they had several problems. The main problem was that the million or so Promise ...
Bill McCartney, founder of famed men's ministry Promise Keepers and Hall of Fame football coach ... died Dec. 10 at 84.
Following the 1994 season, Coach Mac stepped down from Colorado's head job to devote his time to "Promise Keepers," a Christian Organization he co-founded. In 2013, McCartney was inducted into the ...
Post-retirement, McCartney focused his attention on Promise Keepers, a Christian organization based in Colorado Springs. "Coach Mac touched countless lives with his unwavering faith, boundless ...