The suspension stems from a combination of cold water temperatures and tough conditions for divers and K-9s to do their jobs.
Investigators conducting a search-and-rescue effort for a Westminster coach who disappeared after a Lake Oconee boating ...
Westminster Schools teacher and coach Gary Jones and his bride-to-be, Joycelyn Wilson, vanished on Feb. 8 when their boat was ...
Westminster students thank search teams for efforts to find missing coach Gary Jones after a boating incident.
Search teams say they’re getting close to locating missing Westminster teacher Gary Jones, who disappeared on Lake Oconee ...
Search teams started their efforts in a section of the lake nearly the size of a football field that has consistently ...
Officials announced Sunday that they have halted the daily use of cadaver dogs and divers during the search for missing Westminster Schools teacher Gary Jones.
The search continues for Gary Jones, a missing Westminster Schools coach, after his fiancée was found dead in Lake Oconee.
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has confirmed that investigators have asked the U.S. Secret Service for help in unlocking ...
Authorities say Saturday marked the biggest effort yet in the search for Gary Jones, missing since Feb. 8, as crews from across the Southeast assist.
Students at Westminster wanted to show their appreciation for their efforts. So, they crafted handwritten notes to send to ...
The search on Lake Oconee continues for Gary Jones, a coach at Westminster Schools in Atlanta, who disappeared on the lake 20 ...