The Gundam franchise has been going strong since the original anime series in 1979, featuring a plethora of media and other ...
An upcoming Gundam Breaker 4 will add the flagship Mobile Suit from Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX, the GQuuuuuuX.
The film debuted at #1 in the Japanese box office in its opening weekend. It sold 352,500 tickets and earned 598,832,300 yen ...
Now, ConsoleVariations’ Donny Fillerup has listed the Space World 2000 Gamecube console on eBay for a staggering $100,000.
Miramax is developing a remake of the 1998 sci-fi horror film The Faculty , and Robert Rodriguez , who directed the original film, will produce the remake. The script for the film is being developed ...
Scott Foley , who appeared in Scream 3 , is returning to the franchise for director Kevin Williamson ’s Scream 7 . I assume ...