Priyanka Chopra shared a post on social media and congratulated team Anuja as the film bagged an Oscar nomination. The film has been nominated in the Best Live-Action Short category.
Anuja, the short film backed by Guneet Monga Kapoor, Mindy Kaling, and Priyanka Chopra Jonas has made it to the Oscars 2025. It has been nominated in the Best Live Action Short at the 97th Academy ...
Anuja is a short film directed by Adam J Graves. The film that'll stream soon on Netflix has been nominated for Best Live Action Short.
American-Hindi film Anuja featuring features 9-year-old Sajda Pathan has been nominated in the Live Action Short Film category of Oscar Awards 2025.
Oscars nominations include Timothée Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo and more. See every actor and film, including 10 Best Picture nominees, to be honored at the March 2 ceremony.