They are being used not only instead of artillery and anti-tank weapons, but increasingly as kamikaze interceptors to combat ...
Одна из новых проблем на нынешнем этапе специальной военной операции — это FPV-дроны Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ), которые ...
Unlike acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), influenza starts suddenly. Andrei Pozdnyakov, infectious disease specialist, ...
В отличие от острой респираторно-вирусной инфекции (ОРВИ) грипп начинается внезапно. Об этом 24 сентября рассказал ...
Ukrainian army instructors undergo three-month training in the UK, after which they start training other soldiers without combat experience. This was revealed by a prisoner of war of the Armed Forces ...
In the village of Tarnopol, Irkutsk region, a 15-year-old teenager stabbed a 12-year-old girl several times, she died from ...