Anglican Communion at the UN Summit of the Future. As the world faces an unprecedented array of global challenges, the UN ...
The Conference considers that, while the fully trained and full-time priesthood is essential to the continuing life of the Church, there is no theological principle which forbids a suitable man from ...
Ahead of the Lambeth Call on Safe Church in April, Garth Blake, Chair of the Anglican Safe Church Commission and Mandy Marshall, Director of Gender Justice at the Anglican Communion, talk about the ...
Ena Barclay, from the Province of the West Indies, is a member of the Safe Church Commission. Bishops from the West Indies attended the Lambeth Conference in 2022. She shares what the Province has ...
The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission provides a comprehensive set of resources designed to guide churches in establishing and maintaining safe environments for all members, particularly ...
Wadie Far is the Revd Canon Pastor to the Arabic-speaking congregation at St George’s Cathedral and Vicar of St Paul’s Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Jerusalem. Here, he writes about how ...
The Conference gives thanks to Almighty God for the faithful witness of many martyrs in recent years. It urges Christian people everywhere to accept the challenge of this witness as a call to a new ...
(b) repudiates and condemns the use of violence for settling religious, economic, cultural or political disputes; (c) encourages the use of peacekeeping forces to prevent or forestall the escalation ...
The Conference, recognising the family as the God-given unit of human life and society, condemns those systems of migratory labour that break up family life by enforcing the unjustified residential ...
The Conference believes it to be most desirable that the clergy and Church workers should take every opportunity of meeting health and social workers, as well as teachers, in a locality, and ...
The Conference suggests that the bishops of these two Churches be invited to any conference arranged in accordance with the recommendation of Resolution 74 - "A Larger Episcopal Unity" - of the ...
The Conference calls the Church to think out afresh the Christian gospel of work in terms relevant to modern working conditions, and calls on all Church members to find their incentive to work, not ...