If you’re feeling inspired by Sean’s story, you too can start your own adventure. The 2025-26 edition is now open for ...
Determination to push beyond limits and achieve something truly remarkable, that was Na Kyung ‘Regina’ Lee, a 39-year-old ...
Leg 4: The Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg is one of the most varied legs on the entire Clipper Race circumnavigation, where ...
As a team we are quite jealous of PSP Logistics for their spot the other day. Hopefully we will get a pod of Orcas swimming with us too. We have had our own wildlife recently though, I found a squid ...
Leg 4 is famed for its towering swells, powerful winds, and exhilarating downwind sailing as Race Crew navigate the southernmost point of the circumnavigation. Despite just finishing Leg 3, one of ...