Schauen, wo sich die Polarstern befindet – das ist momentan mein erster Akt am Morgen, noch bevor die Kinder wach sind.
Auf der internationalen Messe für Logistik, Nutzfahrzeuge und den Transportsektor „IAA Transportation“ in Hannover zeigt das ...
The objectives of the DLR project Diabolo are to develop methods and processes for the design and performance assessment of next-generation fighter aircraft configurations. Diabolo is a German Federal ...
Successful ISO/IEC 27001 certification: The Space Operations and Astronaut Training institution has successfully completed the transition to the latest ISO/IEC 27001 standard for information security ...
A research team from the Institute of Future Fuels receives this year's Outstanding Paper Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ...
In the LuFo project EPIFAN (development of a hybrid electric propulsion system consisting of an electric motor and a boundary-layer inlet thrust generator with experimental off-design testing), the ...
Im LuFo-Projekt EPIFAN (Entwicklung eines hybrid-elektrischen Antriebsystems bestehend aus Elektromotor und grenzschichteinsaugendem Schuberzeuger mit experimenteller Erprobung im Off-Design) wurden ...
Erfolgreiche ISO/IEC 27001-Zertifizierung: Die Einrichtung Raumflugbetrieb und Astronautentraining hat die Umstellung auf die neueste ISO/IEC 27001-Norm für ...
Mitarbeitende des DLR in Göttingen haben das Flugtaxi von Volocopter getestet. Sie führten einen sogenannten Schwingungsversuch am Flugtaxi VoloCity durch. Lufttaxis stellen durch ihre neuartige ...
We're honored to celebrate Professor Irena Hajnsek's outstanding achievements in the field of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing! Congratulations on your remarkable contributions, Professor Hajnsek!
On 5 September 2024 at 03:50 CEST (22:50 local time), the new Copernicus Sentinel-2C satellite was launched from Kourou, French Guiana. Sentinel-2C is the third of four Sentinel-2 satellites and will ...
The UAS Flight Test Convention is an event by flight testers for flight testers and was held for the first time in 2019. Annually hosted by different organizations (e.g. ZAL and HAW in Hamburg, TU ...