Vrajesh Dutia and Michael Nixon of Deloitte explain the nuances of amount B as jurisdictions consider its adoption, and ...
Multinationals attempting to avoid and mitigate penalties potentially arising from transfer pricing controversy could take a ...
Carlos Serrano Palacio, Richie Lombard, and Bernardo Misle of Deloitte analyse recent measures to resolve tax uncertainty in ...
Aaron Wang, Carlo L Navarro, and Rebecca Cook of Deloitte explain several Asia-Pacific jurisdictions’ differing approaches ...
Nicola Lostumbo and Jie Pan of Deloitte provide insights into high-value intercompany service charges, their role in creating ...
Shaun Austin, Darcy Alamuddin, and Ryan McMahon of Deloitte analyse the feedback from the 2024 Deloitte transfer pricing ...
Mariusz Każuch, Inka Traeger, and Conrad Marburg of Deloitte consider tax authorities' recharacterisation of intercompany transactions through drawing on recent practice in Poland and Germany, and sug ...
Edesten and Mazlum Yildiz of KPMG Sweden say there remains a lack of clear legal precedent on the impact of ‘control over ...
The Australian senator told ITR that PwC is still trying to manage the saga as a PR issue rather than a systemic problem ...