TikTok buzzed with nervous anticipation across the U.S. on Saturday as a looming federal ban threatened to sever access to the Chinese-owned app that has captivated nearly half of all Americans, power ...
美國候任總統特朗普(Ronald Trump)當地星期六(18日)表示, 他「很可能」在本月20日就職當日, 簽署行政命令, 讓擁有1.7億美國用戶的短影音平台TikTok, 「不賣就禁」法律暫緩90日執行. 路透社報道, 特朗普接受美國國家廣播公司(NBC)專訪時透露, 最可能的做法是提供90日寬限期, 因為這樣最適當. 特朗普續指, 如果他決定這樣做, 可能會在就職當日(20日)宣布.
Migrants trying to avoid arrest set fire to blankets and mattresses at a camp in the northern Mexican city of Chihuahua during a raid by government forces to clear the site in the early hours of Satur ...