For Haim Khorsia, Chief Rabbi of France, "Imagining Peace" - the theme at the center of the international debate in Paris at ...
Hope is in short supply,” despair seeks to overwhelm us “but it has no future,” explains Justin Welby, Archbishop of ...
Not surrendering to the "false reality of war, with its unstoppable logic" and instead imagine peace. Words spoken by ...
Mayors can and must play a decisive role for peace because ‘they are daily artisans of the cohesion of our cities’. Anne ...
Our vocabulary has been enriched with a new adjective that increases anxiety and fear: "Hypersonic". We have been capable of ...
In Paris the voice of wounded Afghanistan, brought by Lina Hassani. Here is a summary of her speech: "My name is Lina Hassani and I am a 21-year-old Afghan girl of Hazara ethnicity. I arrived in Belgi ...
Let imagination return to power. It is a new way of interpreting ideas that could come from the sixties. A sugestion spoken by Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, in his speech at the ...
在当今时代谈论和平似乎像是梦想。然而,当和平文化似乎已经消失时,Andrea Riccardi在圣艾智德会于巴黎举办的国际会议开幕式上表示:“想象力使我们摆脱了无奈接受,它创造了新的选择。” ...
重振“想象力掌权”(这是一个源自60年代的口号,指的是重拾1960年代强烈的创造力与创新精神。当时,许多社会和政治运动以想象力为工具,推动了世界的巨大变革。通过运用想象力——即创造性和创新性思维的能力——来应对全球性的挑战,尤其是冲突、民族主义和社会 ...
PARIGI - ''Chiunque fa credere che la soluzione possa essere nella distruzione dell'altro crea la guerra eterna. La pace è possibile solo nella coesistenza''. Emmanuel Macron inaugura il meeting inter ...
La Stampa Macron: "L'ordine mondiale è ingiusto la guerra sovrasta, ma la pace vincerà` La guerra ha una legittimità molto forte, data da una profonda giustificazione. Sono importanti la coesione e il ...
La Comunità di Sant'Egidio è un movimento internazionale di laici, che si fonda su preghiera, poveri e pace.