Typically, most businesses are closed on Christmas Day. Beginning this year, Colorado liquor stores no longer have to be.
柯文哲觸犯的是10年以上重罪,考量他的3名子女都在國外、不認罪、羈押期間曾拒絕提訊、法敵對意識較高,基於人性的「趨吉避凶」,法官形成「有相當理由足認有逃亡之虞」心證機率較高;且共犯「橘子」許芷瑜滯留海外未歸被通緝並註銷護照,她又是柯文哲的心腹,柯對她 ...
Japan Airlines said it was hit by a cyberattack Thursday, causing delays to more than 20 domestic flights but the carrier ...
A survivor of the worst gang attack on Haitian journalists in recent memory described Wednesday seeing colleagues cut down by ...
A Syrian family that survived a 2013 chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds of people near the country’s capital, ...
Asian shares were mostly higher Thursday in thin post-Christmas holiday trading, while oil prices rose. Japan's Nikkei 225 ...
A 58-year-old cab driver who was behind the wheel of a Taxi that hit multiple pedestrians on Christmas Day suffered a medical ...
Seven people were injured, including a child, when a taxi crashed into pedestrians on a sidewalk near Herald Square in New ...
Social media users have posted numerous images of flowers in different colors, claiming they all show the "moonlight ...
Lamar Jackson broke the NFL career rushing record for quarterbacks in the Baltimore Ravens' victory over the Houston Texans ...