Apple Arcade Adding 15 New Games For Holiday Season

To help you sort through the service's huge library and find the perfect app, we've got a list of all Apple Arcade games below, along with a list of the former games and what's coming soon.
The arcade, called Mallrats, will feature classic games ranging from Dig Dug, Ms. Pac-Man, Donkey Kong Jr. The Simpsons ...
Dragon's Lair was the first game to cost a whopping 50 cents to play, instead of a quarter.
Zynga announces Boggle: Arcade Edition release on Apple Arcade next month with all modes included. Engage in competitive ...
Apple Arcade is one of the best gaming subscription services right now, and Apple is boosting its value by adding fifteen more games across the holidays. The new lineup includes games from ...
We’ve all got a pretty good mental image of ... that lead [Al Linke] to build this unique multi-display arcade cabinet. The game itself is still played on a single screen, but several smaller ...