A neurologist on TikTok shares five simple at-home tests that may help identify early signs of dementia. These tests assess ...
Our grey matter has always been a mystery, even to neurologists, but Professor Masud Husain says life-changing advances may ...
In a small cohort of adults in South Korea, the presence of cerebral small vessel disease was associated with color reading ...
Discover the surprising link between mouth bacteria and cognitive function. Learn how oral health may play a role in brain ...
Being more social by visiting friends, attending parties and going to church may help keep your brain healthy, according to new research.
Visiting friends, going to parties, and being social may help keep your brain healthy and prevent or delay dementia in old age.
Four out of five older adults who likely have dementia may be unaware of their condition, according to findings from a cohort ...
Fluctuating LDL and total cholesterol levels in older adults may indicate increased dementia and cognitive decline risk.
Could changes in cholesterol be a warning sign of dementia? A new study suggests that older adults whose cholesterol ...
A new study reveals that seniors with fluctuating cholesterol levels face a 60 per cent higher risk of dementia and a 23 per ...
Older adults whose cholesterol changes over time may be more likely to develop dementia than people whose cholesterol is ...