Former Kitchener, Ont., neurologist Jeffrey Sloka appeared in court virtually Wednesday for a brief appearance. The judge ...
The Grove City Area School District has selected a new superintendent. School officials announced Tuesday that Dr. Joshua ...
Back-to-back events at UC Santa Barbara will kick off celebrations for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, including a free ...
In the Lehigh Valley, cases of the flu and RSV are particularly prevalent compared with many other parts of the state.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan appeared in 23 episodes of the hit medical series Grey's Anatomy. In the second season, Jeffrey, in the role of "Denny Duquette", drives the young "Dr. Izzie Stevens" crazy.
▪ March 10 – Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer releases Kamlet on a $92,500 bond and places him on house arrest with a GPS ankle ...