Consider complementing your major with a minor in education studies. If you are interested in the Education Studies minor path to a teaching license, please refer to the Minor + Licensure requirements ...
From deepfakes to AI, the new information studies minor in Purdue’s School of Information Studies seeks to help students ...
The studies in ministry minor prepares students, theologically and practically, for entry-level ministry positions in churches and Christian organizations. We aim to provide students who are ...
The Legal Studies Program is an interdepartmental program that considers challenges and perspectives that reach across most academic disciplines at Brandeis. More than 135 students minor in Legal ...
The minor in environmental studies is an interdisciplinary minor that blends coursework from a variety of academic fields to look at the environment, natural resources and energy use. In the ...
Explore different religions and belief systems and learn more about the role religion plays in human experience with the minor in religious studies. The interdisciplinary minor in religious studies ...
The Appalachian Studies minor program is a multidisciplinary program designed to provide students with an understanding of the culture, economy, history, natural resources, and politics of the ...
A minor in Film Studies is a study of art forms and an interdisciplinary exploration of cultural representations. It is interdepartmental by nature and draws from art history, languages, English and ...
The interdisciplinary Gender Studies Minor offers students an excellent chance to achieve a better understanding of concepts of gender, ideologies surrounding them, and their impact. A student who ...
This program is no longer accepting new student applications. Study the history of cartooning, comics, sequential art, and visual storytelling, and the practice making comics and cartoon art. Notes ...
The Design Studies graduate minor is offered through Parsons School of Design. The graduate minor in Design Studies enables students to familiarize themselves with the theories, scope, and ...
With an emphasis on sustainability and holistic thinking, the environmental studies minor provides students with opportunities for the in-depth analysis of global and regional environmental issues, ...