WEST MONROE, La. (KNOE) - The Millie Mattered Overdose and Addiction Advocacy hosted a drug epidemic walk at Christ Church in ...
Stardom and virality are desired by the masses. Relatable experiences — such as eating out or traveling — have become ...
Mariah Carey, the iconic singer and Queen of Christmas is facing growing concerns about the toll her lifestyle is taking on ...
In the UK, thousands of men over 40 are addicted to pornography, and it's clear to me as a sex and relationship therapist ...
Providers of mental health services are now being advised to ask young people presenting with symptoms of psychosis if they ...
In Season 10 of Southern Charm, Craig Conover called himself an "addict" when trying to fix his friendship with Austen Kroll.
If you or someone you know is facing a mental health crisis in the pilot ZIP codes 44102 or 44105, reach out to us by calling ...
Knowledge is power for family members, for communities, for health care providers, and for the men and women — sons and ...
The R&B singer, now 38, scored his first record deal at just 14 years old, despite his difficult childhood and released his ...
There is a lot of confusion about proposed government cuts for federal scientific research grants to universities, often focused on grants from the National Institutes of Health and National Science ...
The sermons incorporate the steps used by many people to battle addiction issues. The series at Edgehill United Methodist Church will last through Easter.
Guest Opinion. For decades, the opioid epidemic has devastated communities across Oklahoma, with American Indians ...