It is the twelve-minute "Serenate ex C" from the Carl Ferdinand Becker collection and was in the holdings of the Music Library of the Leipzig Municipal Libraries, as the city announced. The copy was ...
Five Japanese beetles have been found at the Gunzgen Süd service area on the A1 highway. Threadworms are being used to combat the pest, as the canton of Solothurn announced on Friday. Four males of ...
The Aargau government is applying for loans of around CHF 9.7 million for new asylum accommodation in Neuenhof AG and the extension of accommodation for young asylum seekers. The canton expects that ...
Following an oil spill in Péry at the beginning of September, fish in the Schüss as far as Lake Biel are currently no longer edible. The canton of Bern recommends not fishing in the affected section ...
The voracious Japanese beetle has not yet spread extensively in the canton of Lucerne. However, after the first specimens were caught along the A2 highway in the summer, the canton is stepping up ...
Le Ministère public zurichois a ouvert une enquête pénale contre un homme d'affaires soupçonné d'avoir escroqué des caisses ...
In Leipzig ist ein bisher unbekanntes Frühwerk von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart entdeckt worden. Eine neu entdeckte Serenade, ...
Lando Norris (McLaren), qui pointe à 59 longueurs de Max Verstappen (Red Bull) au championnat, tentera de réduire l'écart ce ...
Am Samstag öffnet der Kürbishof Jucker Farm seine Tore. Die Veranstalter sind voller Vorfreude, ernteten aber auch Kritik – ...
Michelle Hunziker è un successo all'estero e un volto ricercato nel panorama televisivo italiano. Durante una recente visita ...
Le prix de l'or inscrivait vendredi de nouveaux records absolus, franchissant pour la première fois la barre des 2600 dollars ...
Das kantonale Amt für Gemeinden und Raumordnung hat die Thuner Ortsplanungsrevision genehmigt und sämtliche noch hängigen ...