In six recent final projects, Pratt students set out to identify some of the key challenges and frustrations of travel—from small moments of discomfort to larger global issues—and devise innovative, ...
The nation is preparing for a historic election this fall. Pratt seeks to encourage and support peaceful engagement, provide information for voters, and create space for community dialogue before, ...
Celebrate and honor the diversity and richness of human cultures at Pratt, through traditions, practices, values, beliefs, and customs, including heritage, religious, and spiritual holidays. Building ...
This introductory, nonsectarian course includes extensive readings from a modern English translation of the New Testament; plus a supplementary text, media presentations, lecture-discussions, and a ...
This content-variable course is an exploration of visual narrative and storytelling. Through research and discovery, students will learn how to structure a narrative from multiple perspectives and how ...
Critical Conversations are structured and inclusive programs designed to encourage open dialogue, understanding, and solidarity within our diverse campus community through engaging and meaningful ...