Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reflect a critical gap in medical care, often involving challenges in social communication, with limited treatments available for core symptoms. A key barrier to ...
In another important milestone, PeriVision has signed a clinical trial agreement with Genentech, Roche's US business unit. The aim is to evaluate the potential use of the VisionOne platform in ...
Marcel Aumer, CEO, VRP und Co-Founder der FlexBase Group, rechnet trotz der Projektneuauflage nicht mit einer Verzögerung des ambitionierten Zeitplans. Der Baustart ist für Frühling 2025 geplant. Als ...
Mabylon AG is a Schlieren-based biotechnology company at the forefront of human-derived antibody research, with a primary focus on allergies, neurological and inflammatory disorders. The company has ...
Unlike traditional aligners, which often cause oral hygiene problems such as bacteria build-up, bad breath (halitosis) or cavities, Actival incorporates CSEM's patented 3D-printed microchannel ...
5-day intensive course for startups in biotech. Specialist trainers with practical experience andcoaches will provide startups with one-on-one support throughout the course. In our Swiss Venture ...
Lösungen für kleine und grosse Gebäude.
Pelt8 offers user-friendly tools to help businesses comply with various reporting standards. In an effort to further enhance to enhance sustainability reporting for companies of all sizes, especially ...
Swissnex acts as a launchpad for Swiss innovators and startups looking to enter the world's leading innovation and technology hubs. Its equity-free programs are tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs ...
Selma Finance hat erneut eine Crowdinvesting-Kampagne laciert. Nach 25 Minuten wurde bereits die 500'000 Euro-Marke geknackt und über Nacht hat sich die Summe nochmals mehr als verdoppelt. Mit dem ...
Programs organized by global organizations including the United Nations, Bosch and Swiss Re have acknowledged the achievements of a Swiss startups, awarding them cash prizes and support to boost their ...
Switzerland has come out on top in three new studies. Both the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the consulting firm Roland Berger have crowned Switzerland the world champion of ...